Representing YOU and Our Community

I ran for office initially on three issues, which continue to motivate me daily as I serve: freedom, civility, and the worth and dignity of every individual and family. It is a tremendous honor to represent District 38 in the Utah House – a responsibility I take very seriously. I am committed to being YOUR VOICE at the Capitol. I am approachable, accessible, and accountable to YOU.

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Governing with Principles

Our country was founded on wise principles, forming the fabric of our nation. As your representative, I ensure that my votes in committee and on the floor are in alignment with those principles, including limiting the size and scope of government and ensuring that the bills I vote for do not encroach on the individual freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights. I am inspired by the words Abraham Lincoln penned in a message to Congress on July 4, 1861: “[the leading object of government is] to elevate the condition of men - to lift artificial weights from all shoulders - to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all - to afford all an unfettered start and a fair chance in the race of life.”


Dedicated & Committed

West Jordan has been my home for 28 years. We’ve raised our family here. I’m dedicated to the people of this very special place and committed to preserving our quality of life and making Utah an even better place to live, work, play, and retire.

Solutions exist to the problems we face. We just need to have the perseverance and courage to pursue them.

I am also dedicated to exercising civility in all of my interactions, preserving and restoring freedom, and ensuring that government at all levels recognizes the worth and dignity of every individual and family.

From a campaign park event on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Oaks East Park in Utah House District 38.


 Knowledgeable & Experienced

As a legislator, I’ve focused intensely on issues affecting the people of Utah and what can be done legislatively to resolve the problems we face. I’ve passed difficult bills into law and enthusiastically co-sponsored other meaningful legislation. I’ve spoken on panels, at press conferences, in classrooms, and at rallies. I’ve voiced words of support and opposition in committees, in caucus meetings, and on the floor. I’m honored to serve as Chair of Retirement & Independent Entities Appropriations and to be Vice Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. I also serve on the Judiciary Committee, Executive Offices & Criminal Justice Appropriations, the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel, and the Interstate Compact Commission. These experiences coupled with the support of my constituents have made me an effective voice for District 38 in the Utah House.